Thursday, August 10, 2017

My Green Beauty Journey

πŸ“· by @naturalbeautymermaid

 On my start into Green Beauty World on Instagram, it was a slow start. Getting to know others, making friends, learning about products & brands and getting the word out there.  Just over a year, my Instagram grew but I didn't know around the corner was drama. 

People calling others out, hating on one another whether it was a brand or another Instagrammer or some getting blackballed. You can only use these products and not those. Brands calling out Instagrammers. Instagrammers calling out Brands. I have to say a group of green beauty Instagrammers make you feel welcome and nice but in reality, you're not really welcome but challenged. Why can't we be ourselves? Without offending, or being pushed. 

I know that Instagram is a big marketing playground but why push products, you don't really use, just to make a buck! Honestly, maybe it doesn't work for you but for another Instagrammer, it does work and could advertise that product and make the money honestly.  I could go on and on about product pushing but just know it's big in the Green Beauty World and it can suck you in & spit you out and make you broke!

I've seen brands post quotes and some Instagrammer getting an offended and a group all chimes in on the Instagrammers side when reality the post was just a post and nothing more (not to offend). 

 In reality, some bloggers are saying you can afford to go green "It's not expensive at all." Ha Ha, I think you need a reality check!  I could go on and on about this to prove it is not but I not going to waste my time trying to prove to someone when they already have their mind set on the subject.

Medically, there's good and bad. It's all about balance. Everyone has different views. 

Honestly, what I've seen and been through on this journey it has changed my feelings on green beauty.  There are some great honest green beauty Instagrammers/Blogger.  I am free to try whatever product I like to, and like & follow whatever blogger or Instagrammer. I will continue to use some natural, green beauty product but I will use some that are not natural or green. 

Tip: Don't let someone push you into following them or trying a product.

Tip: If your welcome in a group or team but don't feel right or felt not wanted in the group or team, probably not. Trust your instincts!

Tip: Love yourself! You are beautiful! πŸ’™

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